One of the first people who contributed to the invetion of television was the Englishman William Crookes. It was he who in 1878 invented an electron tube emitting cathode rays. In 1884, Paul Nipkow in Germany built a mechanical device for image analysis, so called. Nipkow disc. It was a rotating disc with a spirally arranged holes. In the same country, but in 1897 Karl Ferdinand Braun modified Crookes tube electron, creating a prototype of the tube. In 1906, Boris Rosing in Russia has experimented with the Nipkow disk and the CRT and he managed to send the first television images, however, were very poor quality. In the U.S., Vladimir Zworykin invented the first tube of analyzing the image, it was ikonoskop. It happened in 1923 roku.3 years later, John Logie Baird demonstrated television system operator, using the mechanical Nipkow disk for image analysis. In 1928 he finally came to a color television. Baird demonstrated it.
After the discovery of all these inventions enable the transmission of the image now it was time for it to spread. With TV you had to show it to people and create opportunities for satellite TV.